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- Main / Homeopathy / Kernels
- 04.01.2021
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Walnuts are a rich source of important nutrients. They have 14-15% protein content. Their proteins are composed of essential amino acids in a balanced form. The protein composition of walnuts is close to that of milk. If it is necessary to reduce animal foods, they are an irreplaceable source of complete proteins. The amino acid composition makes them suitable for feeding in a limited carbohydrate regime.
Walnuts do not contain cholesterol. They are rich in fat /about 45-65%/, but most of them are unsaturated - polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. They reduce the level of low-density cholesterol, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis of the vessels with a subsequent high risk of cardiovascular diseases. Among them, omega 3 is of particular importance - the fatty acid that is generally found the most in fish.
They have a low carbohydrate content of 12-19% represented mainly by starch.
The energy content is high due to the high percentage of fat - 620-712 kcal/per 100 g.
They contain significant amounts of vitamins. The most important are antioxidant vitamin E, niacin – vitamin PP, folic acid, vitamin 6 and substances with antioxidant action - flavonoids, phenolic compounds, isoflavones, ellagic acid.
They are rich in minerals, with a higher percentage of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, zinc and selenium.
It has been found that people who eat at least 100 grams of nuts per week (2-3 walnuts per day) have a 30% lower incidence of cardiovascular disease compared to those who rarely or never consume nuts. They slow down the processes of cerebral sclerosis and enter the first group of foods preventing Alzheimer's disease.